Monday 3 November 2014

Dealing with impending redundancy

Roger Gilpin of Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) in Northern Ireland offers advice on how to prepare and deal with impending redundancy.

The recent announcement of the impending closure of JTI Gallaher’s plant in Ballymena will result in almost 900 jobs lost in Northern Ireland. Disclosed in early October, redundancies won’t start being made until May 2016, continuing until the inevitable closure in 2018.

Employees will have a long stretch of time before they are officially ‘out of work’, the time space is crucial in assisting them decide what is next and importantly best for them.

Here are some tips to for those seeking employment or facing redundancy::

1.    Make yourself employable. You may have been in a job for a while and some of your skill sets may need updated or refreshed. Take a part time class in something that will improve these and make you are more employable than your colleagues. Doing so shows you’re willing to go the extra mile and open to learning new things.

2.    Network, network, network. This is a crucial time period to make connections, meet as many people in your chosen industry as possible, as these contacts could be crucial to you in the near future. If you’re not already on LinkedIn, get on it and use the next few months making sure you’re connecting and talking to the right people.

3.    Update your CV. Be proactive, this always takes longer than you think it will, so don’t leave it until you are out of a job and it has to be done. Keep it succinct, no more than two sides and really sell yourself, remembering to tailor it to the sort of jobs you will be applying for.

4.    Stay positive. This is not necessarily going to be a bad thing. Perhaps this is a chance to move into a different career path that you have been thinking about for a while. Although you will be preparing for the future, it’s important to stay positive in your current job, having a good attitude through a difficult time in work leaves a  good lasting impression on your employer, someone who you may need down the line.   

For more information on how you can avail of our outplacement services, please contact us on: 0845 456 2269