Monday 8 December 2014

Make bad hiring a thing of the past

Roger Gilpin of Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) in Northern Ireland offers advice on how to combat ‘bad hiring’.

Anyone who owns or manages a business will recognise that making a poor decision in relation to new recruits can be an extremely costly mistake.
Recent studies undertaken by Recruitment Buzz revealed that within the UK, 41% of companies estimated that bad hiring decisions had cost them more than £16,000, with one in four companies claiming that this figure was over £30,000.
With competition for jobs fiercer than ever, more and more organisations are looking at the measures they can implement to prevent a ‘bad hire’ situation. These include:
1.    Look for evidence. Candidates know what an employer wants to hear, and almost everyone these days is ‘dependable and hardworking’ so you need to be specific. During the interview, ask for examples of situations where they have demonstrated the skills you have asked for that they claim to possess. This will help to save you time and money by avoiding re-training or recruiting further down the line.
2.    What is your job specification? Once you have written a job specification with detailed skills and experience that you require, stick to it. Someone may be talented, but if they are not right for the role you are advertising then they are unsuitable. 
3.    Interview twice. Or more than twice if necessary. First impressions may be important, but having a second interview can be extremely revealing. The best candidates will build on knowledge they picked up from the first interview. If they have nothing new to add, then take it as a warning sign. A phone interview is often a good way to screen candidates before meeting them in person.  
4.    Speak to references. This is absolutely crucial to ensuring you have made the right decision. If the candidate’s previous company refuses to give a reference, then you have a right to feel suspicious.
5.    How badly do they want it? Be sure your candidate wants this job and not just a job. If they genuinely want to work for you, they will have done their research and know everything about your organisation. Ask questions about your own company and why this role specifically appeals to them.

For more information on how you can avail of our outplacement services, please contact us on: 0845 456 2269