Tuesday 31 March 2015

New limits for unfair dismissal

Roger Gilpin of Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) in Northern Ireland offers advice on the new limits for unfair dismissal and redundancy payments.

An order made by the Department of Employment and Learning brought new limits into operation from 22nd March 2015. 

Payments and awards made to workers in employment rights cases are to rise in line with inflation.

The increased limits relate to a range of employment rights including statutory redundancy payments, the basic and compensatory awards for unfair dismissal, the limit on guarantee payments made when employees are not provided with work, and the minimum basic award for unfair dismissal in health and safety and certain other cases.

For example, the limit on the compensatory award for unfair dismissal is raised from £76,600 to £78,400 while the maximum amount of a ‘week’s pay’ for the purpose of calculating redundancy payment rises from £470 to £490.

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 [s1]Should this be retrospective e.g. brought new limits