Thursday 30 April 2015

The importance of soft skills

Roger Gilpin of Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) in Northern Ireland, a talent mobility firm focused on delivering career Transition and Outplacement, Leadership Development, Employee Engagement and Change Management solutions for organisations, stresses the importance of soft skills in employment.

The job seeker market has had a change in focus over the years, where once emphasis was placed on hard skills, such as a candidate’s technical ability and qualifications. Today, a candidate’s soft skills such as communication and teamwork are just as important.

Many of my outplacement clients find this difficult to understand having been thrust back onto the job market following redundancy or as they seek a career change.

Soft skills are increasingly replacing the hard skills such as technical ability in today’s workplace in terms of value to the employer. A recent report by Development Economics highlighted these skills are worth more than £88 billion to the UK economy. However, too many job applicants are still honing their focus on technical ability, and forgetting the importance of soft skills listed above.

Finding yourself back on the recruitment scene can be daunting; however outplacement professionals can help with easing the process.

In order to secure and keep a job, you typically need a proven track record of technical skills. Whilst these hard skills must be communicated, they will be possessed by every other candidate going for the same position as you. However, a strong emphasis on your soft skills can set you apart from other applicants.

Part of the problem is that too many of us assume that soft skills are universal, they aren't, which is why it is so important to shout about your experience of the following:

1.    Communication. This is one of the most important soft skills to have. Whilst your technical skills will get you through the door and into an interview, if you cannot communicate these effectively then they don’t hold as much merit.

2.    Teamwork. Collaborating with team members is becoming an increasingly important part of every day jobs. Whilst you may be extremely technical, if you can’t work alongside colleagues and motivate each other, those technical skills will mean nothing in a group setting. Even in roles where team work isn't necessarily required, having the basic ability to sell and convince others of your ideas is essential. 

3.    Management skills. Not necessarily the management of others, but the ability to demonstrate effective management of your own time, workload and projects is crucial. Organising yourself is vital in any job, and highlights how you deal with pressure.

For more information on how you can avail of our outplacement services or how you can take stock of your current professional status, please contact us on: 0845 456 2269.