Wednesday 29 July 2015

Making the most of outplacement opportunities after redundancy

Roger Gilpin of Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) in Northern Ireland explains why accepting outplacement support after redundancy is a smart career move.

Unfortunately as a result of the recession, we have seen more and more companies faced with the tough decision of trimming their workforce.

In these circumstances employers are increasingly offering outplacement services to employees facing redundancy in order to provide support as they make what can sometimes be a difficult transition into the next stage of their career.

Surprisingly, this help is being rejected by many employees, who are at this stage perhaps unaware of how grateful they will be for the support several months down the line.

If redundancy could be on your cards, outplacement support is not to be ruled out in a hurry and the following advice should be thoroughly thought through and considered.

1. Times are a changing
Many individuals who find themselves facing redundancy have been in the comfort of their current roles for a number of years making the ever changing job market seem even more daunting. Outplacement equips the individual with the training and knowledge required to sell themselves to employers in the current market.

2. Sometimes it’s just not that easy
The job market is more competitive than ever which can prove difficult even for those with an abundance of self-confidence who believe they will find a new role without a problem. An outplacement professional can assist you navigate the minefield.

3. Emotional impact can be overwhelming
Being made redundant can be a stressful time and there is no need to go through it alone. A dedicated outplacement coach could be the proverbial ‘knight in shining armour’ supporting not only your career, but also your emotional needs. Their aim is to maximise your employability and make the process as smooth as possible for you. You know what they say, “a problem shared is a problem halved”.

In what can be a period of uncertainty, outplacement coaches can guide you through the process seamlessly answering any queries and concerns you may have along the way.

For more information on how you can avail of our outplacement services personally or on behalf of your employees, please contact us on: 0845 456 2269

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